Case management for housing stability
Many veterans are unable to navigate the process of finding the housing or health services they need. On average, 17 veterans die by their own hand every day in the United States, and 1.4 million are considered at risk of becoming homeless. According to Taos Behavioral Health, northern New Mexico’s largest behavioral health care provider, “40% of the 6000 veterans living in northern New Mexico need professional mental health service. Approximately 300 veterans living in New Mexico are believed to be homeless.”
To address these issues, Veterans Off-Grid has sponsored the formation of the Taos Collaborative for Housing Stability (TCHS) in partnership with Veterans Upward Bound, Not Forgotten Outreach & H.E.A.R.T. of Taos. We assist veterans, men, women, and families with case management to find housing stability, and service navigation to access benefits that are available to them.
Call or text for assistance with:
obtaining housing, food, healthcare
fighting eviction
paying utility bills
working with the VA
replacing lost ID cards, social security cards, ect.
any situation that puts your housing at risk